I'm sure you're all wondering what I got for my gift!!....... I received The Liebster Award. It is an award given by fellow bloggers to recognize the newest and coolest blogs. Needless to say, I was very honored to get this because my blog hadn't started yet. Now, there ARE some rules that go along with the award but if Kelcie doesn't mind.. I will bend them a tad-
After I received the award, I must do the following:
- The blog nominated must answer the 5 questions given by the person who nominated them.
- The blog nominated must tell 5 random facts about themselves.
- The blog nominated must then nominate 5 blogs (with less than 200 followers), and make sure to tell them you nominated them.
- Finally, you must ask the blogs you nominate to answer 5 questions of your own.
Here are the questions Kelcie asked the 5 bloggers:
1. Why do you blog? Why did you start and why do you continue?
Let's see... I blog because it gives me a place to put my thoughts and life out there in a way that can keep me accountable. I started because I wanted to lose this baby weight I gained when I was pregnant with my son Mason- who is almost 5 MONTHS OLD ALREADY!!!
2. What is your favorite post you've ever done? (provide a link!)
I don't have a favorite post yet but in case you missed my first post- check it out!
3. What's one thing we don't know about your family?
One thing no one knows about my family is sadly- we LOVE eating out! As a family( and I mean my husband,my kiddos and me) we don't go buy extravagant things or see a new movie every weekend. We indulge in eating out. I can't make it a week with a Juice It Up! or Starbucks coffee. Oh, how the world has modernized me! I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it but...hey it could be worse, right?!
4. What can readers look forward to on your blog? What's around the corner?
Readers can look forward to me expressing my happiness and frustrations through my journey to get fit. It will be a long hard road but at the end I hope readers will be encouraged ! I'd say just around the corner are new healthy recipes I'm looking forward to sharing with you all!
5. What's on your Christmas list??
Gosh!! My Christmas list is pretty simple. I would love a watch so I didn't have to carry my phone in my hand all the time. I would also love to go to Grinchmas at Universal Studios in Hollywood. Anyone who knows me, knows I love How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Here are 5 random facts about me:
- I like doing my own nails! It's cheaper and fun to take time for me every now and then!
- I'm double jointed and my husband makes fun of me for it but I think he secretly thinks its cool!
- I really couldn't tell you the last time I saw my natural hair color! Hey... I fully think God gifted people for a reason beyond me and if one is to give people a new look-I'm all for that! lol
- I have had surgery 7 times and I'm only 24!
- I wanted to be a dancer at one time but then quickly decided that my curves were just for looks..haha!
1. My Freshly Brewed Life : A blog about a Woman of God. She has series of blogs based off different walks with God. (31 days of coffe talk with Jesus, etc. ) She also has healthy recipes and fun giveaways!
2. A Quiet Heart : I've only had time to over view this one but She is a mommy of two, a pastor's wife and she also home school her children which- yes I am thinking about doing someday- MAYBE!
3. Here's To A Healthier Me- I read her most recent post Excuses, Excuses, Excuses and I was automatically inspired and this doesn't happen to me often! With that being said, she writes on her journey to getting healthy again and struggling with Crohn's disease.
4. Workout Mommy She is a mommy of four boys and certified personal trainer. She is real about how much of a struggle it is to do anything but JUST KEEP THE KIDS ALIVE as a mom. She wants all to know that you can workout and be a mommy too! Because its worth it and I have to agree :)
5. Kayla K's Thrifty Ways This blog is not about being healthy! Just letting you know now! lol. She currently teaches youth aged students and that kind of overlaps with my job. So, I'm interested. She is blogging on how to stay thrifty! Check it out for lots of good recipes,savings, and much more!
Here are my 5 questions to the other blogs if I were to ask them:
1. What is your favorite Christmas memory?
2. If you could travel to a foreign country or your favorite U.S. state, which would you choose and why?
3. How did you come up with your blog name?
4. Do you think your blog is unique?
5. If you met Oprah, what would you ask her?
Have a Merry Christmas everyone and be sure to spend it with the ones who mean the most to you. Remember who the season represents and that Jesus is the one true Savior!
We are guilty of the eating out thing too. Although it really has changed since our rent went up and my pay went down :/ I guess that was the good part though. getting us healthier by forcing us to eat at home 99.9% of the time now :)