Friday, January 11, 2013

No Prayer too Small

Do you ever think to yourself before you pray "This is silly God, I don't need to pray about such an insignificant thing?" The truth is I use to think this before a lightbulb in my head went off.

I haven't been succeeding very well in this journey to losing weight. I couldn't figure out why because I have been working out as much as I can, eating healthier and the pounds are not going away. Do I need to eat much less but then starve? Do I need to workout twice a day just to lose one pound a week? Wasn't it just last week that I could fit into my old jeans but the scale says I haven't lost any weight?? All these thoughts are going through my head and then it occurred to me that I pray about all the big stuff.. my family, my job, and the world. If I am to truly to follow God, he asks that we consult him even with the "little stuff." Proverbs 3:6 says in ALL your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. This verse says ALL YOUR WAYS submit so that's just what I'm going to do.

I'm going to submit my struggles with this weight loss journey to my God who can do the impossible. My hubby and I have decided to try Weight Watchers to help us get through this together. I've been feeling burned out trying to make all the healthy choices's exhausting and frankly, some days I would rather stuff my face with cake instead.We decided that starting next month, we would give Weight Watchers a go. So, if you've ever struggled with the same thoughts or feelings, just remember that If you submit, God says he will make our paths straight. Wouldn't you like the straight way instead of the one paved with disappointment curves and self loathing potholes? I know I would.

I'm not sure I have gotten the hang of this blogging thing yet but I think I shared my thoughts with you about how my journey has been going. I don't have any cool pictures for you or videos to help this week. I have a verse from the Bible and my own thoughts. I hope that is enough to help get you through.


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